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G., « Old English poetic vocabulary: "The formal word precise but not pedantic" », Essays on Old, Middle, Modern English and Old Icelandic in Honor of Raymond J. Sisam, K., Studies in the History of Old English Literature, Oxford, Clarendon, 1953, p.Strophe des altenglischen Gedichts The Seasons for Fasting », Anglia, 110, 1992, p. Schabram, Hans, « Zur Interpretation der 18.Metrik », Britannica: Festschrift für Hermann M. Schabram, Hans, « The Seasons for Fasting 206f.

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Richards, Mary P., « Old wine in a new bottle: recycled instructional materials in Seasons for Fasting », The Old English Homily: Precedent, Practice, and Appropriation, éd.Richards, Mary P., « Prosaic poetry: late Old English poetic composition », Old English and New: Studies in Language and Linguistics in Honor of Frederick G.Leslie, Roy F., « Textual notes on The Seasons for Fasting », The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 52:4, 1953, p.Klaeber, Fr., « Eine kleine Nachlese zu altenglischen Dichtungen », Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur, 72, 1950, p.Jones, Christopher A., « Another echo of Gregory's Regula pastoralis in the Old English Seasons for Fasting », Notes and Queries, n.Hilton, Chadwick B., « The Old English Seasons for Fasting: its place in the vernacular complaint tradition », Neophilologus, 70:1, 1986, p.L., « The Old English Seasons of Fasting », Mediæval Studies, 26, 1964, p. Grimaldi, Maria, « The Seasons for Fasting », AION: Filologia germanica, 24, 1981, p.S., « Laurence Nowell's transcript of BM Cotton Otho B. S., « A note on The Seasons for Fasting », The Review of English Studies, 23, 1972, p. Flower, Robin, « Laurence Nowell and the discovery of England in Tudor times », Proceedings of the British Academy, 21, 1935, p.Flower, R., « Laurence Nowell and a recovered Anglo-Saxon poem », The British Museum Quarterly, 8:4, 1934, p.Richards et Hilton 2014 (voir sous Éditions modernes).

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Hilton, Jr., Morgantown, West Virginia University Press (Medieval European Studies, 15), 2014, x + 182 p. Richards with the assistance of Chadwick B.

  • The Old English Poem Seasons for Fasting: a critical edition edited by Mary P.
  • Jones, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 2012, xl + 456 p. Religious and Didactic, edited and translated by Christopher A. dissertation, University of Tennessee, 1984.
  • Hilton, Chadwick Buford, Jr., An Edition and Study of the Old English "Seasons for Fasting", Ph.
  • dissertation, University of Oregon, 1970. Clair, Jr., Two Old English Observance Poems: "Seasons for Fasting" and "The Menologium" - An Edition, Ph.
  • Holthausen, Ferdinand, « Ein altenglisches Gedicht über die Fastenzeiten », Anglia, 71, 1953, p.
  • Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, edited by Elliott Van Kirk Dobbie, New York, Columbia University Press (Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records, 6), 1942, p.
  • London, British Library, Cotton, Otho B.
  • Transcription par Laurence Nowell en 1582 du texte contenu dans le ms.

    Vers et strophes