Let’s hone in on this one before we go any further! “You want to be sure that you're working all the body parts so that you're not uneven,” says Gargano. “I know people are going to be like, ‘Well, what about my core?’ but your core is used in all those movements,” Gargano assures. “In your programming, there’s a combination of things you should always have,” says Gargano, noting you don’t have to put them all in the same workout/day, but they should certainly all fit in your week: Push movements (like push-ups), pull movements (like pull-ups), squats, lunges, and hinge movements (think: deadlifts, hip hinges). “People tend to throw that out the window but dynamic moves are going to help you wake the body up a little bit before you get into your strength training.” Program Properly. “The biggest thing in putting together your entire workout is making sure that you have a proper warm-up, always, no matter what,” says Gargano.
Keep reading for alllll you need to know, plus the best strength exercises to try, and exactly how to integrate them into a total-body toning routine. If your goal is total-body toning or strength, there are a few key things to keep in mind-no matter your gender. “It all comes down to your goal,” says Angela Gargano, a certified trainer and creator of Strong Feels Good & Pull-up Revolution. Focus on the move slow and controlled, with your hips low and your core engaged.When it comes to the best strength exercises for women, you may be surprised to learn that they’re gonna be pretty similar (if not identical) to the best strength exercises for men. Return to the start position and repeat with your right leg (b) to complete one rep.

Lift your left foot off the floor, and slowly raise your knee as close to your chest as you can (a). Mountain Climbers: assume a straight-armed plank position so your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. This movement is a pulse raiser and should be performed at a quicker pace to increase the heart rate. Jump or step the legs widely towards your hands and maintain a flat back as you stand up straight. Place your hands on the floor in front of you, then jump or step the legs out behind you (c). Bend your knees and sit back to lower your hips into a squat position until your thighs are parallel to the floor (b). Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms hanging loose in front of your thighs (a). Up downs: an up down is basically a burpee without the 'chest to floor' movement in the middle. One minute of Up downs followed by one minute of Mountain climbers Want to see how your fitness has improved? Go back and retest this in four- weeks and see how you get on! Best workout for weight loss at home: The workout However, as you get fitter, you can increase your reps and rounds for an extra challenge.’ That way, you won’t work too hard too quickly, and drop off near the end or halfway through. ‘To start with, I recommend that you aim to complete 10 reps of each exercise in one minute, taking your time to really feel each exercise and practice good form. ‘You want to push to a level of intensity where you are challenging yourself but also ensuring your output is consistent across all 10 exercises,’ she adds. Once you have finished all five rounds, go back, and repeat the entire circuit again for a 30-minute workout in total.

Once you have completed the round, take your one-minute rest before moving on to the next round. ‘Each round consists of two different exercises, so to complete one round, do the first exercise for one minute, then go straight into the second exercise for one minute.

‘The workout follows a simple interval training format featuring five rounds that are two minutes long each, with a one-minute rest in between rounds,’ says Izy.

Izy has designed this workout to be equipment-free, and it consists of 10 fun but challenging bodyweight exercises. This means you will continue to burn calories long after your workout - so long as you train hard during it!’ ‘The benefits also come even after you’ve finished exercising, due to an increased metabolic rate. ‘Interval training is a brilliant and highly efficient way to get a decent calorie burn whilst still working in a controlled manner’ she explains.