You can use an extension in your favorite web browser to achieve this. Will EdgeDeflector redirect Bing searches to Google? No data is collected about you nor even stored on your local computer. EdgeDeflector rewrites links which are forced by the Windows shell to open inside Microsoft Edge to open using your default web browser instead. Everything is done on your local computer. EdgeDeflector version Latest Fixed an issue where the app wouldn’t launch when installed to a directory path containing a space. Esto significa que bsquedas como por ejemplo las de Cortana pueden ser abiertas.
“Intercepting links” sounds like it would affect my privacy? EdgeDeflector es una pequea aplicacin que ayuda al usuario a sortear la obligacin que impone Microsoft a los usuarios de Windows 10 de abrir ciertos enlaces con Microsoft Edge, su navegador, remitindolos al que se haya seleccionado por defecto. All that EdgeDeflector does is intercept links as you open them in order to rewrite them to open with your preferred web browser. If all disks are reported as good, continue. EdgeDeflector doesn’t interfere with either Cortana or the Windows shell in any way. Download and run Hard Disk Sentinel (trial) (includes SSDs) Post a screenshot of its GUI using the Insert Image icon above your post. Will searches inside Cortana still use Bing? Please reinstall and follow the instructions shown after the installer has finished. It will pick up on the system configured default from Windows Settings app: Apps: Default apps: Web browser. You don’t need to specify your browser of choice in EdgeDeflector. You may need to repeat the above steps after installing major feature updates to Windows through Windows Update.

System requirements: Windows 10/11, and your favorite web browser. It does its thing transparently in the background and only runs when a link needs to be deflected away from Microsoft Edge. You’ll never see EdgeDeflector ever again after installing it. With EdgeDeflector, you were free to use Firefox, Google Chrome, or whatever your favorite web browser might be! This allowed you to use Windows features like the Cortana assistant and built-in help links with the browser of your choice instead of being forced to use Microsoft Edge. EdgeDeflectorĮdgeDeflector was a small helper application that intercepted URIs that force-open web links in Microsoft Edge and redirected it to the system’s default web browser. 🛑 Discontinued because Microsoft sabotaged the project.