An interesting idea for using the JDBC plugin is to create a calculation field which calls an UPDATE statement, passing in several fields from your FileMaker table. You can call INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands as well. The JDBC Plugin supports more than just reading from an SQL database.

*Access result data directly from scripting engine, or via data import (ODBC only supports import)

jar directly into a container field, or load it from a URL *Does not require the initial setup on a per-client basis that ODBC necessitates, all you need is the location of a JDBC driver *Supports reading and writing container/BLOB data to other databases You do not need to know anything about Java to use JDBC with FileMaker - we do all of that in the plugin. It even works with Filemaker runtime solutions. Pre-populate your PDFs with data from FileMaker and then later pull that data back.
With this plug-in, users are able to push or pull data between FileMaker and a PDF with pre-defined form fields. Directions for creating these keys can be found here. Efficiently exchange data between your FileMaker solution and Adobe PDFs. It does not support 2-way communication Access Keys The function requires that you have an AWS account and have generated an access key and secret key. If you have an external SQL database which you need to integrate with your FileMaker solution, try out our JDBC plugin. The Email plugin leverages Amazon AWS / SNS to send SMS messages world wide. Access JDBC-compatible databases from FileMaker// The 360Works JDBC plugin for FileMaker Pro allows execution of arbitrary SQL statements on one or more JDBC databases, iterating result sets, and importing from any database which supports the JDBC protocol. SQL Access with JDBC Compatibility Allows execution of arbitrary SQL statements on one or more JDBC databases